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Mitigation of the tsunami disaster can be done by identifying the form of communication and realizing what will be the challenges and obstacles in overcoming disasters in the future. By identifying the main characteristics that can cause communication during an emergency or disaster to become ineffective or completely fail, future researchers and practitioners will have a frame of reference for addressing communication problems in an emergency. One of them is by creating a communication system. Then form a media tool that operates to combine various mixes of spatial data, visualization assets, and mobile devices. It includes the underlying dimensions, interactions, and situations. In addition to the existing media tools, one way to gain insight or identification in building community resilience is to increase the resilience of the community itself where the community has avoided the worst impacts of natural disasters through its own local wisdom strategy that can be easily recognized.
Keywords: Tsunami, mitigation, communication

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How to Cite
Firdaus, P., & Rahmanto, E. (2022). Analisis Komparasi Mitigasi Komunikasi dalam Penanganan Bencana Tsunami. Jurnal Elektro Dan Mesin Terapan, 8(2), 187–193.