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Relevansi nilai informasi akuntansi adalah kualitas fundamental dalam kerangka konseptual penyusunan laporan keuangan. Relevansi nilai direpresentasikan dengan keselarasan perubahan nilai akuntansi terhadap perubahan harga saham. Studi ini berupaya mengevaluasi upaya peningkatan relevansi nilai menggunakan keberadaan kantor akuntan publik (KAP) besar. Untuk menunjukkan efektifitas peningkatan relevansi nilai karena keberadaan KAP empat besar, riset ini menggunakan data emiten di bursa Indonesia. Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bukti bahwa relevansi nilai informasi laba bisa ditingkatkan ketika auditornya berasal dari KAP besar. Ukuran KAP tersebut juga meningkatkan relevansi informasi penghasilan komprehensif lain. Temuan ini telah diuji ketegarannya dengan berbagai model pengujian untuk mengurangi risiko bias dalam penentuan model pengujian. Hasil pengujian ini memiliki kontribusi dalam riset akuntansi keuangan dan strategi investasi saham.
Kata kunci: Relevansi Nilai, Laba, Penghasilan Komprehensif Lain, Kantor Akuntan Publik Besar
The value relevance of accounting information is a fundamental quality in the conceptual framework of financial reporting. The value relevance is represented by the alignment of changes in accounting value with changes in share prices. This study seeks to stimulate value relevance using the existence of big accounting firms. To show the effectiveness of increasing value relevance due to the existence of big accounting firms, this research uses data of public companies in Indonesian stock exchange. The findings provide evidence that the value relevance of earnings information can be increased when firms audited by big accounting firms. However, auditor firm size also improves the value relevance of other comprehensive income. These findings have been rigorously tested with various test models to reduce the risk of bias in determining models. The results contribute to financial accounting and investment strategy studies.
Keywords: Value Relevance, Earnings, Other Comprehensive Income, Big Auditing Firms
Kata kunci: Relevansi Nilai, Laba, Penghasilan Komprehensif Lain, Kantor Akuntan Publik Besar
The value relevance of accounting information is a fundamental quality in the conceptual framework of financial reporting. The value relevance is represented by the alignment of changes in accounting value with changes in share prices. This study seeks to stimulate value relevance using the existence of big accounting firms. To show the effectiveness of increasing value relevance due to the existence of big accounting firms, this research uses data of public companies in Indonesian stock exchange. The findings provide evidence that the value relevance of earnings information can be increased when firms audited by big accounting firms. However, auditor firm size also improves the value relevance of other comprehensive income. These findings have been rigorously tested with various test models to reduce the risk of bias in determining models. The results contribute to financial accounting and investment strategy studies.
Keywords: Value Relevance, Earnings, Other Comprehensive Income, Big Auditing Firms
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