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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • Submitted manuscript has never been published in other journal or proceeding, or currently reviewed in other journal.
  • Manuscript is saved as OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect format.
  • Submitted manuscript is suitable with the format. Template can be accessed in this link: Template.
  • Writing content has followed standar Indonesian Spelling (EYD).

Submitted manuscript is original work of author, have not been previously published and  are not being considered for publication elsewhere. To simplify communication, author should give actual corresponding address either for email or phone number.

Author submit manuscript through Jurnal Komputer Terapan website. File size should not exceed 2MB. Number of page in the manuscript should around 8 to 10. Editor has right to adjust some formating in order to keep uniformity of the publication.

Author will be noticed by the Editor if:

  1. Manuscript is accepted for publication
  2. Revision is required and author is asked to resubmit the manuscript
  3. Manuscript is rejected

Author should carefully check sentence structure, accuracy of text, table, picture in the revised manuscript. Every manuscript with typo will be asked to rewriten by the author. Manuscript that has been accepted but do not follow the author guideline will also be asked to revised.

Author will be charged Rp 400.000 for publication start from volume 13 No.2 (November 2020) . if additional hard copy is requested, author will be charge (add) Rp 100.000 for one copy and shipping fee.

Author must send original form of copyright transfer that has been signed to the Editor after the manuscript is accepted for publication.


Manuscript template: DownloadÂ