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The process of the gas station’s fuel tank volume measurement that is used today is still mostly done manually using a measuring line or dipstick. This research develops a real-time fuel tank volume measurement system. This system sends measurement data to server if the system is connected to internet network. This system uses ultrasonic sensors to measure level of the fuel surface and uses NodeMCU ESP8266 as a controller and delivery via Wi-Fi. The ultrasonic sensor is directed into the buried tank in a position perpendicular to the surface of the liquid. The distance measurement results are obtained by calculating the transmitting time of the transmitter until it is received back by the receiver. Then, the calculation of the tank volume obtained from the distance calculation results is inserted into the equation for the area of the tank circle which is processed using the NodeMCU ESP8266 as the main controller. The volume measurement results are sent by the NodeMCU ESP8266 to webserver to be displayed on website and saved to database. The results of measuring the volume of the tank are quite accurate but there is still an average error of about 1.3. This is influenced by the slight bend in the tank.

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How to Cite
Tianur, T., Ramdan, F. ., Hendriko, H., & Jaenudin, J. . (2022). Pengukuran Volume Tangki Pendam BBM Menggunakan Metode Luas Lingkaran dan Tembereng. Jurnal Elektro Dan Mesin Terapan, 8(2), 225–233.